Check in time is 12:00 noon and Check out time is 11:00 a.m. Kindly inform the checkout time in advance to prepare the bill.
No outside food except snacks are allowed in Abbydhama premises.
Food is strictly not served anywhere other than respective Veg & Non-veg Dining areas.
Use ashtray and don't throw cigarette butts outside the balcony or in the surroundings.
Shifting or displacing chairs, cots, fans or any other items inside is very striclty prohibited and such acts will attract claims.
Guests are requested to take note of the list of items provided inside the room, so as to hand over the same at the time of checkout.
Any loss or damage to the property or items has to be borne by the guests.
Bon fire will be arranged on request from 07:30 p.m to 09:30 p.m
Outside lights will be switched off at 11:00 p.m.
In case of eletricity failure, generator is run for emergency use in day time & in night it will be switched off at 11:00 p.m.
No cancellation policy. Booking can be cancelled only prior to 15 days of check in.
Room tariff is for non AC rooms. AC room costs extra.
Footwares are not allowed near the Pool area
Please carry spare dresses while going to the Pool.
The Gents are allowed to use only shorts.
Ladies can use pants, long T-Shirts. Sarees are not allowed.
Ladies shall ask for Head caps, compulory to cover the hair.
Cold water shower before entering the pool is a must.
Guests shall change the dress after swimming in the change room before entering their respective rooms.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the pool premisis.
Usage of glass utensils in this area is prohibited.
Guests are requested to take care of thier kids in the pool area.
Lockers are provided to the guests in the change room on request.
Guests are requested to read the general rules mentioned in the pool area.
No running or rough play inside the pool.
All persons using pool do so at their own risk.
The management reserves the rights to refuse admission to any person failing to comply regulations.
Guests are not allowed to use the Pool at the time of maintenance.
Estate Stay